NCFCRV - NC Family Campers and RVers

Holding Tank Treatment

Maintain your holing tank with the mixture below:

Mix 48 oz. Pine Sol liquid in 1 gallon jug with water and shake up. Don’t fill jug to top.

Add ½ cup of Calgon Bath Beads to mixture, fill with water leaving room to shake up mixture.

Make sure water and Pine Sol are mixed before adding Calgon Bath Beads because adding Calgon Bath Beads to pure Pine Sol will cause chemical reaction, such as strong vapors.

Pour 4 oz. of mixture in each sink and shower/bath.

Pour 8 oz. of mixture in toilet, 12 oz. during really hot weather.

This mixture controls odors and treats holding tanks better than other chemicals by breaking down waste and helps to keep sensors clean. Also, it is better for the environment.

Use single ply toilet paper instead of 2 ply because single ply floats while 2 ply sinks. Floating material will discharge better than sinking material.

Top off tanks before discharging, either full or ¾ full. Most people do not use enough water to get a good flow while discharging black water.

Use soft soap liquid in your RV. Do not use bar soap in your RV as it has a hardener in it and will solidify again and leave buildup on your sensors and tank walls.

Flush out your hot water heater at least 2 times a year to remove calcium buildup from the tank. A plastic wand with the tip turned up connected to a water hose will flush out the tank and can be purchased at Camping World and also at Wal-Mart. Turn off the propane and/or the electric switch, remove the plug and open the pressure valve before flushing, insert the wand into the tank and flush until all calcium is flushed out and the water runs clear.


These tips came from one of the FCRV commercial vendors at the 2011 National Retirees Rally in Canton Texas whose business is cleaning out holding tanks. He said using the mixture mentioned above will eliminate holding tank cleaning problems.

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